积木之屋La Maison en Petits Cubes
unique selling proposition (an article from ad 101 blog )
很多同學上marketing或廣告課,都會學到USP,即是unique selling proposition。道理是很易明白,但是實際運作時卻好像沒那麼容易。理論上,USP當然是越unique越好,最平、最快、最大、唯一美國進口、 唯一英女皇選用、太空專用科技等等,叫了出來肯定有看頭,香港寬頻的劉翔campaign、蒙牛的楊利偉campaign等,都是這類USP,信息很突 出,很有效。
但現實上,又有多少件產品、多少個campaign可以真正找到如此突出的USP?但這並不代表USP理論並不適用。在很多 時候,USP即使不是absolute unique,也該找出一個相對突出的賣點,起碼在consumer communication上沒有競爭對手提過。例如大家樂最近的咖哩牛腩飯廣告,畫面當然很appetizing,信息上也相當突出,什麼乳飼牛、牛坑 腩等,一般人聽起來也有新鮮感,而且與好味緊緊相扣。據說銷量很不錯,經常一早售罄。很明顯,乳飼牛、牛坑腩不是大家樂的專利,可能美心、大快活和很多餐 廳都會用上牛坑腩,但在marketing的角度看這卻是很不錯的USP。
沒有獨特賣點考起很多同學,其實太多賣點有時也會令大家手足無 措。很多電子產品,功能多、款式新,同學做project時,都會以不同角度落力描述所有賣點,到頭來沒有一個賣點有深刻印象。USP其中一個精髓,便是 找一個unique的賣點,如果有10個unique賣點,怎麼辦?方法一、硬選一個作宣傳重點;方法二、做10個campaign。有同學會想到,不如 以10合1作賣點。但在consumer的眼中,10合1其實已經是第11個賣點了,那是結合、方便,而絕不是10個賣點中的任何一個。例如最近 Nokia 5800 Xpress Music,看名字便知道賣點是音樂手機,很突出,在廣告上首要傳遞「音樂」賣點。大家看巴士廣告、POP、網上廣告等,全以playlist作賣點,很 清晰的。但其實這部手機又有touch screen、又有手感方向裝置、又有3.5G、又有wi-fi、又有蔡司鏡頭、又有閃光燈、又有GPS、又有內置地圖、又有16:9大螢幕、又有TV- out視訊輸出等等,每一個feature都很competitive,很吸引,但10合1絕不是5800的USP!
USP是 marketing手法,因為市場競爭激烈,消費者都沒有責任去研究每一件產品、去琢磨每一個廣告,所以USP正是為消費者過濾信息的方法,以單一最吸引 的賣點,讓消費者停下來看一看。當消費者get involved in a product,他們便會自己找出其餘9個賣點了。有10個賣點,要選哪一個才最好?當然,最簡單的答案便是最「賣得」那個。但有時也會因應更高層次的策 略作segmentation分工,有時也可能只因為個人喜好而定。
偶然在街上走過,聽到一群少女說:「我睇《學警狙擊》淨係睇 laughing哥咋!」。200萬觀眾,有人喜歡謝天華,有人喜歡吳卓羲,有人喜歡苗喬偉,也有人喜歡江若琳,各有所好。一套新戲,做宣傳時也總要有 人行頭,即所謂「領銜主演」。一排人企出嚟,除非粒粒皆星,那麼觀眾便會收到「卡士好勁」。如果大部分是新面孔,除非budget很多,可以每個角色都獨 立出一套廣告,那又別論,做product marketing其實也是一樣。
The Unique Selling Proposition (also Unique Selling Point) is a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern among successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. It states that such campaigns made unique propositions to the customer and that this convinced them to switch brands. The term was invented by Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Today the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects.Today, a number of businesses and corporations currently use USPs as a basis for their marketing campaigns.
- Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer. Not just words, not just product puffery, not just show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: "Buy this product, and you will get this specific benefit."
- The proposition must be one that the competition either cannot, or does not, offer. It must be unique—either a uniqueness of the brand or a claim not otherwise made in that particular field of advertising.
- The proposition must be so strong that it can move the mass millions, i.e., pull over new customers to your product.
Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie

a very lonely music video.
it ues stop motion very well.
* The video was shot all stills - roughly 3225 still photos for the entire video, using one camera, hanging from the ceiling for the main body of the movie.
* It took 4 weeks before shooting to create an animated computer generated storyboard for the video, with 3d dummies for the characters.
* It took only 2 days of shooting for the live actors on set to re-create the 3.5 minutes computer sequence, frame by frame.
Bluespace Tetris compaign

Advertising Agency: Atletico International, Barcelona, Spain
Executive Creative Director: Arndt Dallmann
Art Director: Amrit Jandu
Copywriter: Ben Carson
Agency Producer: Beate Küper
Account Director: Peter Stengele
Production Company: Aixsponza
Music design: Michael Gerlach
Post Production: Aixsponza
This tvc 's idea is come from tetris.
It is very funny and cute. Blue space is an company that selling the store space,
using the classical game for the tvc is tring to use a funny way to pomote it is image.
I love this tvc , not only because I hv played the classical game tetris, but it idea.
360 degrees MAKE UR STATEMENT compaign

Make your statement.
Advertising Agency: McCaan EricksonCreative Directors: Daniel Henning, Thorsten Adenauer
Art Director: Thorsten Adenauer
Copywriter: Daniel Henning
Illustrator: James Cruickshank
Photographer: Sonja Müller
Cool ads for 360 degrees, a German clothing & footwear company. The idea is to use their t-shirts and shoulder bags to make your own statement. When you put on your bag then the statement is sound.
Bagues Jewellery Stand Out Your Beauty compaign

Stand out your beauty
Client: Bagues Jewellery
Advertising Agency: Bassat Ogilvy and Mather Barcelona, Spain
Creative Director / Art Director: Francesc Talamino
Copywriter: Nacho Magro
Illustrator: Lucas Pigliacampo
Photographer: Garrigosa Studio
i dont think it is a creative print ad, but it can attract people's attention.
I like this style of photographic. I think it is telling us that wearing Bagues Jewellery
u will be the star in mens' eyes.this not a very great idea but a beauty visual always can
lead print ads to success