
Action Innocence: Alone

dvertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Brussels, Belgium
Creative Directors: Koen Nuyts, Tony Naudts-Ducene
Graphic Designers: Greg Pin, Thomas Sauvenière (bannering campaign)
Copywriters: Michael Thuy, Eveline Vincke, Patrick Pinchart
Account Managers: Madelieve Timmermans, Judith Floor
Account Supervisor: Joelle Vandeville
Aired: 2008

This is a very simple but powerful tvc of Action Innocence.
The main message is to tell parents that don't let your children alone on the interent.
The background music and sound effect enhance the the tve more moody.
Small hand is the children and the big hand is hie?her parents.
Simple graphice also can be a stong element to create a very meaningful commercial.

