
au smart sport - green road project

The general meaning is you may use the au cellphone to download a software, after setting, you walk a kilometer road every time, au helps you to contribute Japanese currency one Yuan, all saves the money will take away to buy the plant seed. The seeds will be grown on the Japan 's street.

the commercial is also meaningful

you can go this web for details

Sony Rolly SEP-50BT Demonstration

some music video to share

Jem - It's amazing

Dido - life for rentDido - Quiet Times


廣告神奇數字 ( an article form the blog ad101)

每天睇電視或翻雜誌,大家會發現廣告裡不斷出現各式各樣的magic number,什麼擊退多80%雀斑、5天瞬間變白、全球No.1等等例子真的多不勝數。很多消費心理的研究都證實,消費者是很容易受這些廣告神奇數字或 advertising claims打動而引起購買意欲的。因為神奇數字通常利用所謂研究報告或市場調查的結果,令advertising claims更具說服力。一般消費者在了解產品時都會使用這些shortcut cues 來考慮品牌。


1. 調查都是生產商自己做的,以便操控結果
2. 生產商會安排實驗的環境設定在一種對產品效果特別有利的環境內進行
3. 參加調查的人數一般不多,只有15-30人


另 外一種常見的現象是廣告商會將自己的產品與其他產品作比較,從而證明自己的產品比其他產品在某方面好多少倍。對於這種神奇數字,大家要小心了解比較的對象 究竟是誰。例如某品牌的全新衛生護墊聲稱「比一般護墊透氣兩倍」,再細看右下角的註解文字,才發現原來所謂的一般護墊是指同一個品牌另外一個系列,即是 「自己比自己透氣兩倍」,當中廣告商明顯是誤導消費者了。

有很多品牌都喜歡在廣告上聲稱自己是某某No.1以突顯其領導地位,甚至在同一 個類別裡可以同時出現兩個或以上的No.1。這是因為每個品牌都可以是在自己定義之時間、區域及類別下的No.1。例如,奶粉品牌A是過去3年全亞洲的銷 量No.1,奶粉品牌B同時可以是過去10年全港的銷量No.1,奶粉品牌C亦可以是過去3年全球醫生推薦的No.1。所以要拆解每個No.1背後的秘 密,大家必須要睇清楚廣告裡的註解細字。

自家品牌差唔晒 ( an article from the blog ad101 )

近年來自家品牌(private label)在全球的市場佔有率有急劇上升的趨勢,單單是歐洲自家品牌就已經在部分大型超市佔據了超過45%的market share(市場份額、市場佔有率),在美國亦已高達25%。就算在亞洲,自家品牌亦開始在日本、新加坡及澳洲等國家的超市貨架上佔據愈來愈重要的地位。 相比起來,香港的自家品牌仍然未成主流,部份消費者更敬而遠之,究竟香港的自家品牌信唔信得過呢?

先由自家品牌的起源說起,大型零售商面 對不斷上升的營運成本,必需不斷改善貨品的利潤率才可以生存。為了獲得更低的入貨價,零售商向生產商施壓甚至恐嚇要將貨品下架是司空見慣的(據聞Wal- Mart就是當中的表表者)。但更令人害怕的是,零售商引入自家品牌變成生產商的競爭對手,將生產商可賺的利潤亦據為己有,從而大幅改善利潤。以英國為 例,各大超級市場的自家品牌貨品就佔有頗高銷量,如Asda 和Tesco分別佔40%和50%,而Aldi 更佔95%。為何英國的消費者對自家品牌的貨品特別鍾愛,因為當地顧客普遍認為自家品牌貨品更物有所值。

香港早期的自家品牌主要定位價格 便宜,如惠康的No Frills (特惠牌),百佳的 Best Buy (超值牌),往往在店內佔據十分搶眼的位置。由於自家品牌的包裝上都印有零售商的商標,消費者會認為有一定的質素保證而願意嘗試,所以自家品牌不大需要花 錢在賣廣告等營銷開支上,更可以將價格定得很低去吸引消費者。可是早年零售商太著重低價而忽略了產品質素的重要性,大部份人試用後還是覺得和大牌子的質素 有距離,於是自家品牌漸漸和質素欠佳掛了鈎。

近年香港的自家品牌隨了標榜價格低之外,更開始引入更高檔次的系列,推出一些質素較高的貨 品,如惠康的First Choice (首選牌),百佳的Select(佳之選),萬寧的Mannings及Jusco的Topvalu,希望一洗消費者認定自家品牌質素差的感覺。有部份自家 品牌更委託大牌子的生產商直接代其生產,質素於是大有改善,一些中低檔次牌子的生意正因此受到嚴重的打擊,隨時有下架的可能。另外亦有一些零售商,刻意將 自家品牌的名字和包裝造得和市場領導的品牌極其相似,以達魚目混珠之效,消費者購買時必須要多加小心避免買錯。


Penguin Books print ads

Agency: DDB, Hong Kong
Creative Director: Ruth Lee, Paul Chan, Poon
Art Director: Poon, Fei Leung
Copywriter: Paul Chan, Jay Lee
Photographer: Steve Wong
Retouchers: Bon Leung, Joe Kam

illustrator : Alberto Seveso

Alberto Seveso is an illustrator and designer from Rome, Italy who creates simply sublime graphics mixing an array of vector shapes with black and white photography, the results are always elegant, intricate and meticulously detailed. Many of Alberto’s illustrations contain explosive bursts of color, set against dark contrasting backgrounds. Of course, at the base of all his illustrations is the magnificent stylized photography that’s imbued with pure sensuality. He told Carpal Tunnel Magazine:

‘My passion for graphics was born about fifteen years ago when I had an Amiga 1200 and Delux Paint that I loved so much. But I switched to PC when a friend showed me the potentials of photoshop. I was astonished when I understood the power of that software’.

Alberto works with great imagination, uniqueness and above all else his originality unleashes the use of vector imagery into something refreshingly different.


2007 Lotus Awards (best ues of illustration)

Brand : National Council On Problem Gambling
Title : Ace/ Joker / Diamond
Ad.Aggency : Mccann-Erickson (s) Pte Ltd Singapore
Creative Director : Ng Tian It
Copywriter : Peter Engelbrecht
Art Director : Bob Tay
Illustrator : Simon Ng

Brand : Philippine Animal Welfare Society (Paws)
Title : Cat Fantasies
Ad.Aggency : Jwt Manila
Creative Director : Dave Ferrer
Copywriter : Tin Sanchez
Art Director : Brandie Tan
Illustrator : Brian Vallsteros

2007 Lotus Awards Annual

Best of press lotus : Gold
Brand : Clima Bicycle Lock
Title : barriercycle
Ad.Aggency : Leo Burnett (Bangkok)
Creative Director : Keeratie C/Sompat T
Copywriter : Noranit Y
Art Director : Pipat U/ Sompat T
Photographer : Chup N

Best of press lotus : Gold
Brand : The Indian Association For Promotion of Adoption & Child Welfare
Title : Iapa
Ad.Aggency : Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai
Creative Director : P Pandey/ S Chattopadhyay/ R Rao
Copywriter : Sumanto Chattopadhyay
Art Director : Rajiv Rao/ Elizabeth Dias

Photographer : Suresh Natarajan
Computer Artist : Manjunath Beleri/ U Day Kirloskar

Best of press lotus : Gold
Brand : Wrangler
Title : Wrangler-Slouch/Stalk/Squat
Ad.Aggency : BBDO Singapore Pte ltd
Creative Director : Farrokh Madon
Copywriter : Andrew Mckechnie
Art Director : Goh Wee Kim
Photographer : Jonathan Tay

Best of press lotus : Sliver
Brand : Sunlight Dishwashing Detergent
Title : Bubbles
Ad.Aggency : Jwt Singapore
Creative Director : Ali Shabz/ Tay Guan Hin
Copywriter : Joji Jacob
Art Director : Thoma Yang

Photographer : Teo Studio
Computer Artist : Lim Suon On/ Lau Tai Ham Wishing Well

Best of press lotus : Bronze
Brand : Spectraban
Title : Invisible
Ad.Aggency : Euro Rscg Flagship Bangkok
Creative Director : Wiboon L/ Passapol L
Copywriter : Passapol L/ Winai K
Art Director : Wiboon L/ Nimit S/ Kitikoon W

Photographer : Anuchai S/ Nok P/ Remix Studio Bangkok
Computer Artist :
Anuchai S/ Nok P/ Remix Studio Bangkok


Gary Baseman

Gary Baseman (born 1960) is one of my favourite artist, illustrator particularly known as an illustrator and cartoonist, who lives and works in Los Angeles, California. Baseman received a degree, Phi Beta Kappa, from UCLA in 1982. He has since worked as a fine artist, commercial artist, editorial artist, and as a television and film art director and producer of animation.

here's are some of his works:

Hide and Seek

I Melt in Your Presence

Center Stage Theater Posters

vinyl toy


SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to achieving that objective. The technique is credited to Albert Humphrey, who led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies.


the background and history of advertising agencies in uk

Saatchi & Saatchi

Saatchi & Saatchi is a global advertising agency. It was listed on the London Stock Exchange and was once a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index but in 2000 it was acquired by Publicis which is headquartered in Paris.

The Company was founded by brothers Maurice (now Lord Saatchi) and art collector Charles in 1970. The Saatchi brothers were born into a Jewish family in Baghdad, Iraq (the name "Saatchi" means "Watchmaker" in Iraqi Arabic). The Jewish minorities in Iraq, which was once part of Ottoman Empire, gained their surnames from their professions.

Saatchi brothers were noted for their campaign "Labour isn't working" on behalf of the Conservative Party before the 1979 UK general election and for the advertisements for British Airways, Silk Cut and other state-owned interests privatised by the Conservatives in the 1980s.

In their early days the agency was known as one of the more creative in London and employed people who went on to be stars of their industry including Tim Bell and Martin Sorrell. Their early growth was also helped by a policy of settling the invoices from small suppliers as late as possible, while promptly paying large, high-profile companies.

With the support of American investors, Saatchi & Saatchi pursued a policy of buying out competing firms with lucrative established contracts. In 1995, a boardroom coup saw the brothers leave the company and set up a new firm M&C Saatchi.


BBDO is a worldwide advertising agency network, with its headquarters in New York. Formed through a merger of BDO (Barton, Durstine & Osborn) and Batten Co. in 1928, BBDO Worldwide has been named the "Most Awarded Agency Network in the World" by The Gunn Report in 2007, for the second year running.

BBDO, with 17,200 employees in 287 offices in 77 countries, is the largest of three global networks (BBDO, TBWA, DDB Worldwide) of agencies in Omnicom's portfolio. BBDO was named Agency of the Year in 2005 by ADWEEK, Advertising Age, and Campaign Magazine.

BBDO was founded in 1928 by:

* George Batten
* Bruce Fairchild Barton
* Roy Sarles Durstine
* Alex Faickney Osborn

During the years of Alex Osborn's association with the BBDO, it became one of the leading advertising agencies in the United States, with a total of 52 offices throughout the world. Its annual billing increased from $1 million in 1919 to $20 million in 1939, when Osborn became executive vice-president, and to $207 million in 1957.


JWT is the current name of the United States largest and world's fourth largest advertising agency. It is one of the key companies of Sir Martin Sorrell's WPP Group and is headquartered in New York.

The company that was to become JWT was originally founded by William James Carlton in 1864.

Carlton's original company was renamed by James Walter Thompson in 1877 to The James Walter Thompson Company, which eventually became J. Walter Thompson.

In 2005, the agency was "relaunched" by dropping the name J. Walter Thompson in exchange for JWT.

Ogilvy & Mather

Ogilvy & Mather is an international advertising, marketing, and public relations agency based in New York City and owned by the WPP Group. The company operates 497 offices in 125 countries around the world and employs approximately 16,000 professionals.

Ogilvy & Mather has seven divisions: (CRM and interactive), OgilvyInteractive (interactive; under OgilvyOne), Neo@Ogilvy (digital and direct media; under OgilvyOne), Ogilvy PR (public relations), Ogilvy Healthworld (health care communications and marketing), and OgilvyAction (analytics and experiential marketing).

As of 2007, the chairperson and CEO of Ogilvy was Rochelle B. (Shelly) Lazarus. She held the position since 1996.

Ogilvy & Mather was founded in 1948 by David Ogilvy, as "Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather." The company became a leading worldwide agency by the 1960s.[citation needed] Central to its growth was its strategy of building brands like American Express, BP, Ford, Barbie, Maxwell House, IBM, Kodak, Nestlé and Unilever brands Pond's & Dove.

Integrated in the firm's corporate culture is Ogilvy's concept of "360 Degree Brand Stewardship", defined as "a willingness to use the broadest array of tools and techniques to understand, develop and enhance the relationship between a consumer and a brand."

In 2004 the OgilvyOne division launched a digital summit called Verge. This has become a major agency-led forum for clients and industry experts to discuss the challenges and possibilities of digital marketing. The agency has taken the conference to over 20 of the world's leading markets. In documents made available to the public through the tobacco industry's 1998 Master Settlement Agreement, Ogilvy and Mather played a key role in promoting the image of the Tobacco Institute.